View Calendar
December 19, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
December 19, 2023 @ 7 pm MT
You're invited to join us Tuesday at 7 pm MDT to learn more about Zero Point Meridian Technique. We will cover:
- An overview of the Science of the Zero Point Field
- How we have incorporated Zero Point healing principles with The Complete EFT Method /Tapping to support efficient relief from strong emotions
- Walk through Part 1 of the Technique with us to experience this process for yourself
- Receive a free copy of the introduction to The Love Solve Method and a handout to use for future reference
PLUS when you register, we will send you a recording to view at a later time if you are unable to attend live or if you want to refresh your understanding
PLUS, attend or watch the recording to be in a drawing for a FULL SESSION