New Ways to Balance Brain Chemistry

by | Feb 3, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

I had to get a new ISBN!

There is so much new content and remastering of this new version that I couldn’t officially keep the old identifier.  I mentioned when I wrote the first version two years ago that the holistic health field is changing so rapidly with new information coming out all of the time, that I expected even then I would be making changes to the content.  I have added to previous content some important new findings that more fully complete the picture of ideal health and wellness.  Here are some examples:

  • There is a new section in the chapter on Physiological Balance entitled “The Flip Side to Balance” where I present some new findings that counterbalance previous knowledge about pH balance and gut bacteria.
  • More personal examples and successes are included from real people like yourself, plus I have continued telling my own story of transformation as I have personally applied the tips and tools I am so excited to share.
  • I have added some recipes for my favorite raw foods that I eat as often as daily (yes, they are that good!)
  • A less-known, but very effective way to muscle test using kinesiology is included in the appendix with remastered visuals
  • An additional section has been included in the appendix to provide a step-by-step way to changing the thinking that is blocking you from the abundant health and wellness you deserve

I look forward to sharing more amazing tips and insights with you!
Cristine Price, M.S. ~ Integrative Mental Health Counselor and Life Coach